כי תמלא הארץ לדעת את־כבוד יהוה כמים יכסו על־ים
For the earth will be filled with knowledge of The Kabod YHWH, as the waters cover the sea.
Habakkuk 2:14
The Sea of Galilee, Israel

Have you heard the Trinity is a "mystery"? Do you have questions about this important theology? The Bible has the answers. This website provides biblical conclusions from an ongoing, comprehensive research project: examining every single data point in the Bible relating to God's nature. It endeavors to be the most extensive exegetical engagement of Trinity ever undertaken.
The Bible is a deep ocean. Responsible exegesis must be slow and thorough. Rather than delaying years to publish a giant tome, partial material is provided now so truth-seekers may benefit from a free resource where hard questions are answered definitively.
Because the word of God does not contradict itself, enough research has already been done to determine the biblical testimony: God is triune. This was not a presupposed conclusion (see the Testimony below). It is, however, the conclusion demanded by the biblical evidence.