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A theophany is when a god (theos) appears (phainei). Such an appearance can be figurative, phenomenal, or literal.


This introductory page will keep a running tally of statistics on biblical theophanies as they are uploaded.

Genesis: 30 theophanies

Yahweh visibly appears in [9] discrete instances [Gen 12:1-3; 12:6-7; 16:7-14; 17:1-22; 18:1–19:24; 26:2-5; 26:24-25; 32:25-32; 35:9-15].


Other theophanies of a spiritual or phenomenal nature occur [21] times: by means of a

vision [Gen 15:1-11; 46:1-4];

dream [Gen 15:12-21; 20:3-7; 28:12-17; 31:10-13; 31:24];

unspecific, audible-only, and/or invisible presence on Earth [Gen 3:8-24; 4:3-16; 6:13–7:4; 8:15–9:17; 11:5-9; 13:14-17; 21:1; 22:1-2; 31:3; 35:1];

audible-only and/or invisible interaction "from Heaven" [Gen 21:17-19; 22:11-18];

or in great signs and wonders [Gen 7:16–8:17; 12:17].


Exodus: 30 theophanies

Yahweh visibly appears in [5] times, [3] in discrete instances [Exod 3:2-8; 16:10; 19:3—32:15], and [2] habitually (throughout the entire Wilderness journey as cloud and fire, first independently and later over the Tabernacle).


Other theophanies of a spiritual or phenomenal nature occur [25] times: by means of a

unspecific, audible-only, and/or invisible presence on Earth [Exod 4:24-26; 4:27; 5:22–6:8; 6:10-13 and 6:28–7:5; 12:1-20; 12:43–13:2; 14:1-4; 15:25-26; 23:20-30; 33:7–34:3; 40:1-15];

or in great signs and wonders [Exod 7:8-13; 7:14-22; 7:26–8:11 (Eng. 8:1-15); 8:12–8:15 (Eng. 8:16-19); 8:16–8:28 (Eng. 8:20-32); 9:1-7; 9:8-12; 9:13-35; 10:1-20; 10:21-29; 11:1-10 and 12:29-30; 14:15-30; 17:5-7; 17:8-16].

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